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FREE DELIVERY almost everywhere in Canada from $250 equipment purchase *



  • May 24, 2021

    Les teintures Dharma chez Tisse Et File

    Les teintures Dharma comptent parmi les meilleures teintures de type Proxion Reactive pour les tissus, les fils et les fibres de cellulose  que ce soit du coton, lin, rayonne, chanvre, jute, ramie, sisal, viscose, mais aussi le bois, la canne,...

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  • March 19, 2021

    Weaver, weaver or weaver, weaver?

    Entre les deux mon cœur balance… ou justement non. Ces deux mots ne sonnent pas du tout pareil à mes oreilles. L’un me semble plus doux, plus juste aussi. Je suis donc allée consulter le dictionnaire. Si l’on en croit...

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  • Les laines Jagger Spun
    August 7, 2020

    Jagger Spun wools

    The story of Jagger Spun It started when Uriah Jagger, just out of England, created a combed wool mill in southern Maine. The rest is part of history. The family tradition continues Since the Jagger family arrived in Maine in...

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  • Les produits Louët chez Tisse et File
    June 22, 2020

    Louet products at Tisse and File

    For the past 40 years, Louet has been offering looms, wheels and carders recognized worldwide for their excellence in quality, design and manufacturing. Its products are the most innovative and customizable on the market. They allow both amateurs and professionals...

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  • Ça va bien aller!
    March 26, 2020

    It's going to be all right!

    Dear readers,   At this very special time, we sincerely hope that you and your family will be well physically and morally.   If the situation is worrying, it also allows us to take the time to weave, spin, felt...

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